亚洲欧美日本综合,日本黄色成年人免费观看,一区二区三区视频免费 http://www.gengheonline.cn The Leading Supplier of China Amine Catalysts Tue, 20 Sep 2022 09:21:37 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 http://www.gengheonline.cn/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/1.jpg Markforged launches Smooth TPU 95A for high-quality – Amine Catalysts http://www.gengheonline.cn 32 32 Markforged launches Smooth TPU 95A for high-quality, flexible 3D printed parts http://www.gengheonline.cn/archives/41114 Tue, 20 Sep 2022 09:21:37 +0000 http://www.gengheonline.cn/archives/41114 Latest News:Markforged Announces Smooth TPU
95A joins its material portfolio. The company says the new rubber-like material offers manufacturers an efficient way to easily and reliably produce high-quality, resilient parts on demand in small and medium batches.

Markforged can now offer the versatility to create custom elastic parts with high geometric fidelity, which is critical for creating fine feature detailing. Manufacturers now have better ways to make resilient parts for design verification, line tooling, specialty products, aftermarket spares and replacements, it said.

Smooth TPU 95A can be used in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, electronics, energy, industrial equipment and more.

“Following the launch of Precise PLA earlier this year, Markforged has once again expanded The
Digital Forge feature, introduces Smooth TPU
95A, and the new ability to reliably and easily print high-quality, elastic parts on demand with stunning surface finishes. The introduction of the new material represents another step forward in our commitment to innovation, delivering on the promise of the Markforged brand – ultra-precision and high quality – in a single, easy-to-use platform. ”

Printing elastic materials in 3D printing is often a challenge, with few systems producing viable end-use parts with production consistency and mechanical properties. Markforged said the platform is designed to help manufacturers who have previously struggled to produce elastic parts overcome the challenges they face.

“Using Smooth TPU
95A, we are able to make parts from materials that are better suited to our patients and their needs, allowing us to do things we couldn’t do before. Whether we’re working on a prosthetic limb or a stylus holder, the flexibility of this new material gives us greater ability to provide our patients with beautiful solutions that make their lives easier. ”

The stylus holder is designed as a wrist strap with a slot to help veterans with limited hands hold a writing instrument, stylus or similar device securely. This design benefits from Smooth TPA
95A application. Burkhardt’s team is able to tailor a unique design to each individual.

Smooth TPU 95A with Mark Two (Gen 2) and Onyx
Pro (2nd generation) printer compatible. Additionally, the company expects to offer the material later this year on the X7 (Gen 2) printer equipped with the latest A3648 extruder.
