According to reports, the LANXESS Scope 3 emissions target mainly includes indirect emissions, especially emissions from purchased raw materials, but also emissions from logistics and final products. By 2030, the company’s Scope 3 emissions will be reduced by 40 percent from a base year of 2015, from 27 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent to 16.5 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. For direct emissions from production (scope 1) and emissions from purchased energy (scope 2), LANXESS set three years ago the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2040. Lanxess said the climate target is in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and has been endorsed by the Science-Based Carbon Targets Initiative (SBTi). The Climate Protection Group, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature have confirmed LANXESS’ emissions reduction targets.
Chang Mutian, Chairman of the Board of Management of the LANXESS Group, said: “In order to stop climate change, society must transition to carbon neutrality. Our goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2040, both in terms of direct emissions and purchased energy emissions, is already very ambitious. Together with the additional Scope 3 emissions target, we will take the next step together with our suppliers and customers. The SBTi recognises our commitment and shows that we are on the right track with responsibility.”
To achieve the Scope 3 target, LANXESS has launched the “Net Zero Value Chain Initiative”. LANXESS will drive the achievement of the goal by sourcing sustainable raw materials, implementing green logistics and expanding production of carbon-neutral products. At present, LANXESS has started to use a variety of sustainable raw materials, such as sustainable cyclohexane and starch-based polyether polyols, and is able to produce a variety of products with a low carbon footprint. As of autumn 2021, LANXESS has consolidated these products under the Scopeblue brand.