Chemical industry agrees on global standard for calculating carbon footprint of products

2022-09-26by admin

Latest: As part of the joint “Together for Sustainability” (TfS) initiative, 37 chemical companies, including BASF, have calculated the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
agreed on global guidelines. The carbon footprint of a product is an important piece of information to guide emissions along the value chain.

New TfS Product Carbon Footprint Guidelines for Chemicals ‘From Cradle to Door
Emissions from ‘ provides specific calculation instructions. It unifies the carbon footprint calculation method for the entire industry and applies to the vast majority of chemical products. In the future, this will enable multiple industries and wider market players that use chemicals to directly Compare and evaluate the climate impact of products.

Christoph, Vice President, Corporate Sustainability, BASF
Dr. J?kel said: “BASF is proud to contribute to this guideline through its pioneering work on carbon footprint calculations and methodologies over the past few years. As a member of TfS, the agreement between the world’s leading chemical and process industry manufacturers This industry-wide agreement brings us one step closer to achieving infinite comparability of the carbon footprint of our products, creating a level playing field within the chemical industry.”

To promote standardization, BASF has been sharing its carbon footprint calculation methodology openly with suppliers, customers and peers. The method complies with the relevant ISO standards (ISO 14040, ISO 14044, ISO
14067) and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol product standard, while being more normative and targeted to the chemical industry. In addition, to enable the industry to perform carbon accounting at scale and to support carbon footprint data transparency, BASF has been bringing its digital solutions to the market by licensing its digital solutions for product carbon footprint calculations to software companies.

Peter, Head of BASF’s Sustainability Approach and Chairman of the TfS Guideline Development
Dr Saling said: “These groundwork have taken things to the next level. We now have a broader and more comprehensive guide for assessing the carbon footprint of chemical materials in a consistent manner, which has been used by many global chemical industry leaders. Leaders co-developed and officially recognized.”

As part of its commitment to standardizing its methodology, BASF plans to further contribute to the success of TfS and fully align its own carbon footprint calculation methodology with the declared industry standard for TfS.

At the same time, BASF’s pioneering digital solution for automatic calculation of carbon footprints has been introduced to the market through a partner ecosystem that will adapt to the TfS calculation rules.

“Together for Sustainability” (TfS)
is a global procurement-driven initiative by chemical companies to assess, audit and improve sustainability practices in their global supply chains. Based on the United Nations Global Compact and Responsible Care? principles, the program has grown into a global organization with regional representation in Asia, North and South America.
